19th March 2020

Nine Ideas to Help Bring a Little Calm to Life Right Now


Try your best to keep your mind as busy as you can. I have a final exam to keep on studying for, but it can be difficult at the moment with everything going on, and it ends up being quite hard to concentrate – this in turn becomes counter productive, and can really bring my mood down. To combat that, I’ve decided to break that up into small achievable goals, by completing 10 pages a day – then instead of spending the rest of my time refreshing news websites and social media in the hopes of a pandemic cure announcement – I decided to sign myself up for an online Calligraphy course. It’s something that I really wanted to do as soon as I’d finished my exams and wedding planning; so actually, why not try and take a positive from a bad situation and use that time now. It will help break the day up from work and study, and be a much more enjoyable and relaxing use of my time. The course was only ยฃ12 on Reed, reduced from ยฃ60 – so now may be a good time to get looking.

A really simple and obvious one, but go for a walk. Seriously. Earlier in the week I felt like the world was ending, because I had been stuck inside constantly reading news articles. My boyfriend made me go outside for a walk, and my goodness it worked wonders. It helped me realise the world isn’t ending, and that Spring is just beginning. Yes, things are bad at the moment, but there are still simple pleasures to be taken that are also completely free.

Do a kind gesture for someone else. We called into our local supermarket on Wednesday evening – I won’t emphasise what people are already aware of – but it wasn’t great, and it must be a really difficult place to work right now. We popped a bar of chocolate in our basket, and once it was paid for, gave it to the guy on the till serving us. He was so happy and surprised, and in turn that made us feel good too. It’s something I’m going to keep doing at the moment, and I’ve added one to my online delivery next week to cheer the delivery drivers day up too. (As a side note to this, I’m also going to move my shops in store after that to help free up the slots for people who really need them).

Give yoga a go – there are so many youtube videos and apps you can download. A lot of teachers are now doing online classes instead. It might feel like a bit of effort if your mindset is bad right now, but even just 10 minutes with a little bit of calm and disconnect will do wonders.

Borrow a dog! Animals are angels, and The World Health Organisation have confirmed that pets cant spread  the C word, or be infected. Seriously, dogs are so intuitive and having a cuddle with one can do wonders to pick up your mood. One thing that is making me laugh, is that our dog is having the absolute time of his life right now. He never wants anyone to leave the house, ever… and so he’s finally getting to live his dream!

Take this opportunity to get lost in all those books you’ve been wanting to read. I complained at the end of last year that I’d only had time to read one book all year – well, now I have time. Books are such a wonderful form of escape, go and get lost in someone elses world for a while.

Keep up to your skincare regime. Again, this situation isn’t ideal, but I’m trying to take a positive and use it as an opportunity to go makeup free for as long as possible, and really let my skin breathe. I’ve started an at home skin peel – which I’ve wanted to do for so long, but wasn’t able to as it can cause your skin to exfoliate itself massively – which really isn’t attractive when going out. I’ve been covering my face in a thick layer of moisturiser during the daytime as well as the evening, and just really giving my skin some serious TLC.

Try some aromatherapy, it’s actually really healing. If you have oils, brilliant; if you’re able to order some, that’s great too… but if not, you don’t have to use expensive essential oils. Get in the garden, Spring is beginning and things will – and already have – started blooming. Have you ever put your nose right into a daffodil and actually breathed in the beautiful aroma? It’s such a treat! Just make sure you check for bugs first…

And that one leads me onto my final suggestion. Enjoy the ability to finally stop, have a look a round, and really indulge in nature. The National Trust are actually opening up many of their parks and gardens for free right now – so there’s no better time to get outside and just take it all in.


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