29th December 2016

Six Simple Ways to Beat the January Blues 

Ah January, the month of salads and being skint… let’s be honest, it’s a bit of a pants time, isn’t it? But it doesn’t have to be if you look at it from a different perspective. Yes I I know we are still in December, but here are 6 tips to help you plan ahead to turn that miserable season on its head and really take something from it. Oh and if all else fails; in retrospect, I always find myself grumbling until about the third week in January when that Winter sun starts making an appearance and I begin to look forward to Valentine’s Day (even when I was single – I bought myself presents!) and Spring, so do try and remember that.

1 – Start something that will make you happy – In December I decided that I wanted to re read Harry Potter. I haven’t read the books for a good few years and it’s something really simple that makes me so happy. I decided to hold off on reading these until January, as I knew it would be something to look forward to that could ease the post Christmas blues.

2. Get a plan – Us girls love a good plan. Again, for me it’s the excitement of having something to look forward to. I find this one is so important in January when there really isn’t too much going on. It could be something small such as coffee with a friend, or even a summer holiday… just get it planned in. My friends and I have planned to meet up towards the end of January (once our bank balances and waistlines have been restored) for a nice meal and drinks. Looking forward to that should get me through staring at my lunchtime salad for the next few weeks.

3. Set a goal – Be it saving for that dream holiday or bagging the sparkly new job you’re after… having an achievement to aspire to is a great way to feel motivated and inspired – essential to keeping your spirits up.

4. New years resolutions – Tip number 3 leads us nicely onto this one. Why do  we always set resolutions that will make us miserable? What a way to start the year! Resolutions really don’t have to be strict rules to set you up to fail. Try a different spin and use them as targets to make life more enjoyable. For example one of mine is to read some really good books this year, it’s free, it’s good for you, it’s something I enjoy doing and it’s simple. Or setting a day to treat yourself every month is also a good one. It may be that you do want to get a little healthier (I know I do), but try it from a different perspective, instead of something demanding and let’s be honest… a little silly; like “lose 3 stone by August” how about “turn fitness into a hobby by finding an activity I really enjoy doing”. If you already have a list of demanding resolutions, make sure you look at how you can turn them into something positive, and throw a few simple pleasures in there too… it might just turn your year into something really special, and I honestly do believe that once you’re happy with life, everything else will fall into place. If that isn’t motivation for making yourself happy – I don’t know what is.

5. Discover something new – In 2016 I discovered YouTube. Not literally, I knew it existed and used it occasionally (I’m not that bad!), but this year I started subscribing to some really cool and inspiring Vloggers on there. This got me excited and was a fun and happy way to spend some of my free time. I follow a small group of amazing women that really inspire me to make my own blog better.

6. List 3 things you are grateful for everyday – To be honest, it could even be one. But doing this will help you to appreciate what you have right now. Doing this will really help you to look at things in a different light and hopefully make you happier. They don’t have to be huge meaningful things either. Today I had a lie in until 11pm – I was really grateful for that, let me tell you! It’s freezing cold here today and I’m able to put the heating on in my home. I don’t think about it when I do it, ever – it’s nice to just reflect on how much good stuff you do actually have going on in your life.

Hopefully this post has left you inspired and really looking forward to January and the rest of the year ahead. But please, whatever you do and whatever your goal, make sure you still really enjoy the last of December. Hopefully you have a plan now for January, it’s not going anywhere so keep relaxing for the time being. Anyway, we all know that January doesn’t really start until the 3rd when we go back to work… so if you want to keep on slobbing out until then, you have my permission.

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