31st August 2018

Diptyque Geranium Odorata

Diptyque Geranium Odorata

I’ve started becoming a little bit obsessed with the Diptyque perfumes as of late… I’m not going to lie, that stunning, classic packaging just lures me in, and before I know it, I have bottles and candles overtaking my dressing table. But packaging aside, Diptyque actually do some of the most stunning, high quality fragrances on the market, and they can often be overlooked in favour of the candles.

I discovered Geranium Odorata from a free sample I was gifted with another Diptyque perfume purchase, and funnily enough ended up favouring that over the one I had actually bought. A fresh, green, woody and aromatic floral – it was one of those scents where I couldn’t stop constantly sniffing my hand for the rest of the day. There’s something about it that very much reminds me of holidays, yet I can’t quite put my finger on what exactly (which is bugging me so much), but then it also reminds me of fairytale woodland adventures in late summer… just before the leaves are about to turn.

With regards to projection and longevity, you get what you pay for with this. Its a high quality fragrance, and that is reflected. With it being a green-floral, it wouldn’t work if it were too overpowering, so I wouldn’t say it’s the strongest perfume I own, yet it is still noticeable. Basically it works for the fragrance; and I think it gets just the perfect balance.

My nonsensical rambling aside, notes include geranium, cardamom and tonka bean, which adds a balancing hint of sweetness. Its actually grouped predominantly in the men’s fragrance category – which I can understand, thinking about it – however that wouldn’t have been my own personal guess. I think it would work well as both, but in my opinion, it tends to be more on the feminine side. It is worth noting however, that my own personal fragrance preference tends to lean more towards masculine scents, so someone who prefers much more feminine picks, may not agree.


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