8th August 2020

Establishing a Little Bit of Normality…


This month, I’ve really been enjoying getting a little bit of normality back. The picture above was my first meal out since everything closed, and my goodness it was amazing. My sister and I headed over to Gusto, to enjoy some lovely food and a cocktail or two. Obviously, it’s a bit nerve wracking when everything is so different at the moment – but honestly, it pretty much felt normal! The restaurant did a fantastic job of making everything feel so safe, whilst also keeping things as close to how they were pre pandemic. It definitely gave us the confidence to go out a bit more.

I had a week off work in July, so I headed over to York with my nephew (our favourite place) for pancakes, and Harry Potter fun. I’ve blogged about my York outings quite a lot, so I won’t go on… but we always have the best time when we visit.





We made the most of the nice weather, and invited around our dogs brother (yes, you read that correctly…) we discovered him last year, and his Mum and I have become such good friends. They both came and stayed with us for the weekend, and we enjoyed a lovely BBQ, then my boyfriend got sent upstairs whilst we had a girly evening of cocktails, cakes and films.




Speaking of the nice weather – my garden also really enjoyed it, and my lavender plants bloomed and bloomed – so much so, I was able to fragrance the house all month, with cuttings I collected.


I also managed to squeeze in some really good books during my annual leave from work, which I think I’ll do a separate blog post on, as I have loads of new recommendations… then to round off the week, it was over to my favourite restaurant ever – Piccolino! Perfection.


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