2nd November 2019

The Pat McGrath Blitz Astral Quad in Ritualistic Rose

Affiliate.pngThe Pat McGrath Holiday Collection has graced us once more, and it just seems to get better every year. In all honesty, I’d like to take all three, but at £50 – £60 a pop… that wasn’t happening; and so I decided to go with the palette I knew I’d get the most wear out of. To be fair, it really wasn’t a difficult decision – I’m such a sucker for a pink smokey eye – and give me a bit of shimmer and I’m completely sold.

Now this palette really does pack a punch with the shimmer – it’s incredible. I mentioned that the Tilbury palettes were one of the best for eyeshadow shimmer on the market, in my opinion – but actually the Pat McGrath shimmers blow anything else I’ve tried out of the water. It’s hard to capture just how shimmery they actually are, in a picture, but trust me – your eyes will be seriously blinding under those party lights.

With flash

Without flash

These palettes may come in at £60 each, but in all fairness you get a whole load of product for your money, with the pans sizing in so much bigger than the Tilbury quads. You can also apply these ones with a brush (as oppose to having to use your fingers to get that real pigmentation and shimmer), and so they will last way longer. When you weigh all this up, and you see how stunning the shadows are in real life; actually, it’s not a bad offering for the money… it’s not bad at all.

Buttery soft shadows, huge pans, an unbelievable shimmer payoff and gorgeously complementary (of each other) colours; I think this palette is my new love this season. 100%.


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